On Being Mindful -- 2016 Sweet Clarity Raw Puerh

Today was a lesson in being mindful on my journal of Cha Tao. I opted to make this particular sheng puerh so I could compare it to its 2017 counterpart that I enjoyed yesterday. However, I was definitely multi-tasking while getting to know this tea -- listening to a podcast, looking at my phone, writing, etc. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and I, certainly, wasn't being mindful of my main task at hand --- drinking this tea. I was holding my tea when I accidentally turned my hand over reaching for my phone...resulting in tea all over my notes; and fountain pen ink isn't too forgiving. I mopped up the spill along with most of the ink. I had to read the faint words and re-create them with a gel pen instead. OY! Afterwards, I took the hint; put on some quiet calm music, and set my mind to actually getting to know this tea! Lesson learned. The Way of Tea starts with being mindful and present in the here & now. Denong's Notes from their Web...