Tea Subscriptions
Why? I love trying new teas, but I find that I tend to pick teas similar to what I prefer. If someone else picks it, then I might discover new teas that I will like. For example, I tend not to pick puerhs or white teas, but I am very much willing to try them. So far, I've discovered a couple of puerhs I might like to add to my Tea Stash (TM).
I also really wanted to support my tea vendors especially with the hard times many are having due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I had resisted before 2020, just because I wanted to pick & choose for myself the teas I wanted (and there was an issue of cost as well), but I'm glad I took the chance.
I chose the subscription based on:
I chose the subscription based on:
- Vendors who have a good reputation
- How much I have liked their teas in the past
- Minimal overlap of the types of tea that they carry.
- How much I could reasonably drink from each of these tea companies before the next one arrived. (I have yet to get backlogged)
For all of these, the amount of tea you get is worth more than the cost of the box, so it's a good value.

Specializing in Wuyi teas from her families' farms (aunts, brothers, cousins, etc). I've enjoyed her Wuyi teas before in the past. She's sent out teas to her members that aren't normally found in her store that she's gotten from other farmers in the area. Bonus: She's also fairly local to me.

Old Ways Tea

She writes a letter outlining each of the teas, it's provenance, and why she chose it for the box. It's a nice touch.

Her subscription is every other month, so I don't feel overwhelmed with tea. She recently sent off a Zen
West China Tea Company:

Located in Texas, I really enjoy the community they've built up around tea.
The owner has a deep love for tea and has quite a variety of different teas & tea types I've never seen before. I've always generally liked what I've purchased from them. He posts quite a lot of tea sessions in Instagram.
So far, I've gotten 2-3 months of tea from them, and I've generally enjoyed them thus far. Their gaoshan puerhs are outside of what I normally associate with puerh.

Also somewhat local to me, the owner is an absolute delight and she has does her subscription in 3-month bursts. She has an amazing presentation and gives you a card that outlines the teas for that "season" and provides a recipe that will go with the tea or uses tea in it.
In the first box, she also included a 110 ml Gaiwan and sets up a monthly tea session so all her subscribers can drink tea together.
I find the box & monthly tea sessions to be a very nice touch in bringing the community together.
Her specialities are with dancong / Phoenix teas, but she does have other teas to try.
I've gotten 3 boxes from her, and each of the teas have been fantastic. I particularly enjoyed her 8-year old puerh and aged TGY.
If you get a chance and can afford it, I highly recommend getting a subscription box. I hope you'll look at these three or find one from another vendor that you like....or ask if they will do a subscription box. It's a great way to get introduced to new teas for a lower price.
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