Tea Session: Emperor's Yellow Tea

For the tea of the day, we have Emperor’s Yellow Tea from Yunnan Sourcing. From Yunnan Sourcing We are proud to offer a Certified Organic YellowTea from Yunnan. This tea was grown in the area of Simao and was harvested in April 2017. This is a "Pure Bud" Yellow Tea (单芽黄茶) made from a 50/50 blend Yunkang #10, and Xue Ya #100 varietals growing at and altitude 1300 meters (4300 feet) on the southern slope Ma Wei Mountain (just west of Pu'Er City). Fresh leaves from both varietals are picked and blended together before processing. The blend of the two varietals gives a balanced complex taste and increases the number of steeps that the tea can be brewed. The processing is similar to black tea with sun withering, rolling, oxidization, and finally drying. The main difference between the Yellow tea and Black tea processing done by our organic tea growers is the sun withering stage and the oxidization stage are quite a bit shorter for the Yellow tea. You will notice the dry...